
Home sweet home

Cathouse in the Snow

Cathouse in the Snow
What a lovely day in Paradise

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th

Been a while since I have updated this, so I will get off my butt and do so.  I have been at the fulltime RV gig for over a year now and love it.  Not doing much travel yet as I still work fulltime, but working on a date to retire etc.  Money is the big factor, but ain't that the truth for all of us.  Is the RV thing for everyone? No, it is not - some do not like the small space, lack of a yard, garage, etc.  But as I have heard before, "home is where the jacks go down" lot to be said for that and your neighbors change a lot, LOL. 
I have a decent spot and get good shade after 6 PM so can go out and burn a cigar etc.  Are there challenges?  Yes, the major one has been the weather, wind, hail, and I have had both.  One rig totaled due to wind and replaced a roof due to hail last year, which is on an earlier post.  Others have been the water system, which freezeup can be a challenge when it is cold and you have to take precautions to prevent it etc.  Water leaks with plumbing is one of the problems I have had, but we are doing good now.  But, after travel, you need to check fittings and check for leaks etc.  I had two good friends who recently lost their rig due to a fire, but they have come through and are now in a new rig.  Ed and Marilyn, glad all is working out for you.  I have learned some lessons there and will be getting at least 2 more fire extinguishers and taking other items in truck when I travel.  I have a Pressure Pro and recommend anyone who tows a trailer get one.  It is cheap insurance. 

Had a great fireworks show last nite and did no have to even leave home as the folks in the housing area provided the show.  Sounded like a war zone here.  Burned cigars and drank diet coke, yes you heard it.  Have not had a beer in 6 months, but have lost 75 pounds and plan to lose another 25 and I will make it.  There have been challenges but I feel great and nice to get all the good compliments and be able to wear smaller size clothes, 8 inches off waist and now an XL T-shirt, maybe soon a large.  Maybe I will write about it more. 

I will try to update this more, but when in front of a computer all day, I prefer to do other things and I will not be a slave to this machine which has a temperment of its own, LOL.  Kinda like me.  OK, time for a morning shake, walk, and get my Cat ass to the store and help my daughter blow fireworks tonite. 

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